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Senin, 25 April 2016

ManyCam versi 4 Full

ManyCam Versi Versi lama tapi masih ok dan ringan dipake dbanding aplikasi camera lainnya
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ManyCam Enterprise v5.1.0.4 Full

ManyCam Enterprise v5.1.0.4 Crack is Here ! 


ManyCam let you use your webcam with multiple chat applications at the same time, like Skype, MSN, and Youtube. The software assists you using the webcam on several chatting tools at the same time. Add amazing webcam effects & graphics to your videos and photos. Awesome webcam filters make you look even better on cam. Add crazy masks or facial effects using our facial recognition technology. Give yourself a new webcam background so it appears your on a studio set or make it look you’re on fire or like it’s snowing in your house! ManyCam has a massive library with thousands of effects. This new version includes several awesome new features such as YouTube integration and mobile capabilities.


Broadcast on multiple channels simultaneously
Picture in Picture
Amazing microphone audio effects
Lower Thirds
Motion Detection
A/V Studio Switcher
Webcam effects
Chroma Key
How to Crack

Install the program
Copy the crack file
Paste file to “C:\Program Files(x86)\ManyCam\imageformats”
Now run ManyCam
You’re Done!!! ENJOY!!!

Bagi yang membutuhkan Link download ada di bawah Monggo: 

CyberLink Youcam 7 Deluxe Full Version With Patch

CyberLink Youcam 7 Deluxe Full Version adalah salah satu software yang memungkinkan anda untuk menambahkan berbagai macam efek yang aneh dan lucu secara langsung pada percakapan yang anda lakukan melalui webcam. Hal ini tentu akan membuat chatting anda melalui webcam menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan.

Program CyberLink Youcam 7 Deluxe Full Version ini dapat terintegrasi dengan berbagai macam penyedia layanan chatting video besar seperti Skype, Yahoo Mesenger, Windows Live Mesenger, dan juga AOL Instant Mesenger. Jadi kini selain anda dapat melakukan percakapan langsung dengan gratis, anda juga dapat membuat percakapan yang anda lakukan secara face to face itu menjadi lebih menyenangkan lagi. Banyak sekali efek yang dapat diterapkan secara langsung seperti topi, kacamata, jenggot, hewan lucu, dan banyak lagi lainnya.

Kini telah rilis versi terbaru dari software ini yaitu CyberLink Youcam 7 Deluxe Full Version yang tentunya mempunyai lebih banyak fitur yang akan saya jelaskan lebih detail di bawah nanti. Saya sertakan aktivasi dari CyberLink Youcam 7 Deluxe Full Version ini agar menjadi software full version, sehingga anda dapat menikmati semua fitur yang ada di program ini. Penggunaan aktivasinya juga sangatlah mudah. Anda tinggal instal softwarenya kemudian jalankan aktivasinya dan jreng software ini akan langsung menjadi software full version.

Features Of CyberLink YouCam

Various Photo Shooting Modes. YouCam 7 transforms your PC into a creative camera. You can take Panorama and HDR shots with your front or rear camera. Use the new Burst mode to capture up to 10 continuous photos in one click.
Fun at Your Fingertips. YouCam 7 greatly enhances the user interface with the new Full Screen mode designed for touch-screen PCs. With this, you can easily take photos and videos, enhance them, and share instantly – all with your fingers!
Stunning Panorama Photos. Use your tablet PC’s camera to capture stunning Panorama shots. Capture multiple photos and stitch them to a wide-angle Panorama photo.
Dramatic HDR Photos. Apply real-time HDR effects when taking photos in low lighting or high contrast scenes. Enhance the shadow and highlight of your photos, and bring out more detail of your photo.
Stylish Photo Frames. Give you photo a professional finishing touch by adding the photo frame of your choice. YouCam 6 includes a wide variety of specially designed frames.
Paint on Your Photos. Use YouCam 7? hand paint tool to draw on your photos. You can freely change the brush size and color, and draw with your fingers on your touch-screen PCs.
Photo Crop & Rotate. Extract the best part of your photos with easy crop and rotate tools, choose from different ratio sets to crop your photo, or freely rotate the photos to get the perfect angle.
One-Click Photo Presets. Apply one-click photo presets to your photos to change the atmosphere with simple click. You can also download unlimited presets from CyberLink’s online community.
Browse Media with Calendar View. Using the timecode stamped on your digital media, YouCam 7 automatically organizes your photos and videos into a calendar by the date it was shot.
Organize Photos with Face Tags. YouCam 7 makes it fast and easy to search for people using face tag. With the advanced People Search icon, you can choose from your existing group of tagged friends.
Control Your YouCam in One Place. The brand new YouCam launcher interface allows you to quickly find the tasks you want to use in YouCam. Moreover, you can add your frequently used feature to Favorite tab.
Full HD Screen Recording. Use YouCam’s desktop recording feature to record full screen in 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio. You can record specific region of your screen, or a fixed region following mouse movement. Record up to Full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution.
System Requirements : Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP 32 bit SP3 (with DirectX 9 or above)

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Cyberlink YouCam 4 Full Version

Cyberlink YouCam 4 Full Version

Cyberlink YouCam 4 Jauh Lebih Ringan dan Simple Full  version lagi...... 

Software Description:

Cyberlink Youcam 4 Deluxe
Cyberlink Youcam 4 is that the very best webcam software on the market . Its TrueTheater technology immediately touches up portrait footage captured from your webcam . at the moment you may play center stage whereas TrueTheater puts you inside the fitting lightweight . With simply some clicks you'll have the most effective image you want merely . presently you have got even further ways during which to make the brand new you for video chats. With Cyberlink Youcam 4 graphic elements you will produce avatars that resemble your friends, family and … in any case yourself . make a choice from a big range of accessories to brighten your terribly own avatar. combine and match - with Cyberlink YouCam 4 the probabilities are infinite .Cyberlink Youcam4

Higher Video Recording High quality:
Document crystal clear HD video conversations in actual time and in H.264 format.
Fancy larger tracking and recognition of facial reactions with HD webcams.
Experience a big enhancement in Mirror Mode in HD before your stay presentation.

Decrease CPU Usage:
By leveraging the H.264 hardware encoder, YouCam 4 retains the CPU utilization as little as ten to fifteen whereas recording your video chats in real time. The graph on the right reveals the performance of YouCam 4 in encoding a real time seize to a 1280×720 H.264 MP4 video employing a second era Intel Core i7 processor with Intel® fast Sync Video know-how compared to fixed conversion utilizing the previous era Intel hardware. Optimizations for the brand new hardware inside YouCam 4 result in significantly shorter video encoding time. You can Free Download YouCam 4 Deluxe.

All of the Fun you may have with Webcams
* Capture webcam movies with tons of results
* Improve your chats and recordings with TrueTheater™ Know-how
* Obtain unlimited FREE effects from DirectorZone
* Interact with Augmented Reality results to amaze your pals
* Create lifelike Avatars on your video chats
* Play and work together with new particle results

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Winamp adalah sebuah media player multi-format dan skinnable. Software ini mendukung berbagai versi format file musik termasuk MIDI, MOD, MPEG-1 audio layer 1 dan 2, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV, OGG Vorbis, dan Windows Media Audio.

Dengan Winamp pengguna juga bisa mengimpor musik dari audio CD, CD-Text, atau melakukan burning musik ke CD. Tidak hanya itu, pengguna juga bisa menikmati beberapa streaming media seperti radio Internet, TV Internet, XM Satellite Radio, video AOL, konten Singingfish, podcast, dan RSS media feeds di Winamp.

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Selasa, 19 April 2016

Adobe After Effects Cs4 + Serial

           Versi Cs4 ini tidak terlalu membutuhkan spesifikasi PC yang besar, sistem operasi 32-bit sudah bisa digunakan dan memiliki Efect yang luar biasa. 
Spesifikasi Adobe After Effect Cs4 untuk Windows yaitu sebagai berikut:
·       1.5-GHz or faster processor
·       Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended) or Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (certified for 32-bit Windows XP and 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista)
·       2 GB of RAM
·       1.3 GB of available hard-disk space for installation, plus 2 GB of space for optional content; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
·       1280 x 900 display with OpenGL 2.0–compatible video card

·       QuickTime 7.4.5 software required to use QuickTime features

>> Instalasi ketika menggunakan Keygen :

1 . Instal aplikasi ( Jalankan ADBEAFETCS4_LS7.exe di folder Setup) .

2 . Setelah instalasi selesai, jalankan disable_activation.cmd ( double klik )

   ( di vista , jalankan sebagai admin jika Anda memiliki UAC diaktifkan) .

   CATATAN : Untuk melakukan hal yang sama secara manual :

   >> Tambahkan baris berikut untuk host - file Anda :
      ( C : \ windows \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts ) :

3 . Gunakan keygen X - FORCE untuk menghasilkan serial .

Selesai !

>> Instalasi ketika menggunakan Fix:

1 . Pilih 30 Day Trial dan install aplikasi

2 . Buka program dan Anda diminta serial .   

     Jangan mengetik satupun serial! Tutup program .

3 . Cari amtlib.dll di folder instalasi >> Local Disk (C)

4 . Ubah nama amtlib.dll menjadi 1amtlib.dll ( untuk membuat cadangan ) .

5 . Salin dan sisipkan amtlib.dll dari folder Crack ke

   folder yang sama dari amtlib.dll yang diganti namanya .

Selesai ! Prog tidak akan meminta serial .

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